Variations Between Spirulina and Chlorella

Chlorella and spirulina benefits show impressive immune stimulating potential. That is probably due to the number of nutritional features.

Gamma Linolenic Acid: Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) is definitely an omega-6 fatty acid that's located mostly in oils. Omega-6 fatty acids are deemed essential fatty acids: They're essential for human health but the human body can' t make them -- you've to get them through food.

They play a vital role in brain function and normal growth and development. Omega-6 fatty acids have proven to work for cardiovascular illness, arthritis and other inflammatory disorders, allergies and asthma. More Than 200 dramatic results have been shown by clinical studies on health benefits of GLA. You can find more details from the University of Maryland Medical Center's website

Polysaccharides- polysaccharides stimulate the activity of macrophages and T-cells by escalating the quantities of interferon, a natural anti-cancer and anti-viral agent in the human anatomy.

Chlorella Growth Factor - CGF also helps defense because it motivates healing and replacement of the cellular tissue.

Phycocyanin -increases lymphocyte activity; phycocyanin perhaps prevents a host of degenerative wood disorders by enhancing defense

Beta carotene - presents the greatest vitamin An activity and antioxidant activity of all the carotenoids and is known to significantly enhance the defense mechanisms and eliminate cancer cells.

In the '90's, the Russians were granted a patent for using spirulina as an immune booster for managing children that were suffering from the Chernobyldisaster. Almost 300 kiddies in highly radioactive areas had chronic radiation nausea and raised levels of Immunoglobulin E,a class of antibody that has been found only in animals. 30 of the kids were given every day to 20 Spirulina supplements for 45 days. The effects in these children showed decreased levels of Immunoglobulin E which made the sensitive sensitivities in the human anatomy return to normal. Also, medical practioners found after giving daily amounts of spirulina to people in the Chernobyl area, 500-thread experienced a reduction in radiation levels within their urine samples.

Chlorella is believed to be a high grade cleansing agent, capable of getting rid of heavy metals, specific pesticides, herbicides, and polychlorbiphenyls (PCBs) from the body's tissue. Several research projects in the USA and Europe demonstrate that chlorella can breakdown the hydrocarbon and metallic contaminants such as DDT, PCB, mercury, cadmium and lead, while strengthening the immune system. In Japan, curiosity about chlorella benefits has focused mainly on its detoxifying homes -- its ability to counteract or eliminate harmful substances from the body.

More information is available on this website.

Our bodies are being penetrated every day by, international proteins, viruses, chemicals or bacteria. The immune-system is fighting the fight and can use all the aid it can get. If battles are lost, it could indicate a cold that will not disappear, activity that is limited by a chronic disease, or worse, it could lead to cancer or various other incurable illness.

Chlorella and Spirulina demonstrate outstanding immune stimulating qualities.